This week in tech, we met up with our pods, and discussed a few important topics that can be related back to tech and the overall learning success of students. The topics we discussed were the ones we were most interested in.

 Supporting a diverse classroom was one of my group members’ choice of topic that they were most interested in. We all agreed that ‘supporting a diverse classroom’ was something we all wanted to obtain a further understanding of ways to achieve a classroom that supports and uplifts all students. Ways learning can be accessible to all, and ways lessons can be designed to suit everyone’s needs for them to reach their full potential, are skills we decided we would like to learn more about, whether about tech or any other subject. 

Another strategy that piqued the interest of one of my pod members, was the implementation of UDL in the classroom.UDL guidelines can be effective in the improvement of the teachings and learnings in the classroom for all areas of education. Making learning active, visually appealing, stimulating, easy to follow, and interactive are great ways to engage all students and create a space that thrives on the participation of all. My pod agreed learning how to implement the UDL guidelines in all subject areas is something that we would like to gain further knowledge in. 

Bullying and internet safety was another area of interest one of my pod members had. This was one that interested me a lot as well, especially if I were to teach older years, from grade five to middle school. With a new generation of students, who grew up both in a pandemic and with technology as advanced as it is, and is becoming, we have to consider what effects it will take on our future classes. This is an area we all agreed we need to be better equipped for, as we believe kids growing up in a pandemic can severely affect their social skills, and their developing relationship with technology. From this, there may come students who don’t know how to use technology responsibly, or who may not know their limits and find places on the internet that they could be trapped in, or inappropriate content that could affect their brains in a harmful way.

The last strategy that I found the most interest in was the ways teachers can support their students’ mental health. With technology being a greater focus in schools now, it’s important we know how to use it responsibly and how to limit the amount of screen time students get, as outdoor learning in my eyes is just as important, if not more important than developing a child’s ability to use technology. Although it’s important that this new generation knows their way through the technological world, they also must also understand the natural world and its importance to our overall well being and futures. This is an issue me and my pod discussed as we want our students to be in a safe environment that promotes mental and physical well being. A tool we want to be well equipped with, is the knowledge to pass down to our students about balancing such a fast paced life, and what it means to slow down, perhaps practicing gratitude, and meditation practices.I find this topic area very interesting and would like to be further educated in it so I too can develop skills that will improve my whole class.  

Here’s a video I found, by Shelley Moore who talks about the evolution of inclusion in the classroom: