In today’s technology class, we discussed inclusion in the classroom, and equitable access. The integration model is becoming more common in classrooms, and is the first step towards inclusion. There now needs to be a step made towards inclusion for all students, rather than just integration of the placements in which students are put in. There are certain barriers that need to be hurdled in order for this new idea of the inclusion model to be utilized. For starters, there is no such thing as a student who needs to be “fixed”. Rather, the institution must address barriers and help the student succeed by adding and utilizing different resources. Meaningful inclusion should be consistent for every learner. Ways to start doing this, is to ask for help, plan ahead, read the IEP, connect with the student and parents as well as family, be open to change, and consider incorporating different resources such as technology. Starting by understanding your students’ needs and strengths is how you should create lesson plans around learners who may have struggles, as this will benefit the student, and give you the ability to create a lesson that will be fully manageable for the student.

Games can actually help motivate students and engage them in activities or ideas that they are used to playing in their favourite games. Gamification can include rewards, a fun look, progression in difficulty and a range of difficulty levels, as well as instant feedback, and promotion of discovery based learning. It’s important that rewards within a game are not the dominant way that students are doing the activities. Balancing the rewards with other activities is important to shift the extrinsic motivators into intrinsic motivations. Game-based learning however, is using resources such as gimkit and kahoot to help students learn things that have been put into the game by the teacher, such as questions and answers. 

Teach Your Monster To Read : An Immersive Game

Other games:


ABC kids games





