During this week’s class, I was able to learn about copyright, and how to further set up our blogging sites. Something I didn’t know before this class was that each photo needs to be cited, and that each photo has a different copyright rule, limiting it’s range of use. I procrastinated on setting up my website, as I felt anxious due to the fact that I didn’t know where to start. Later into the week, I took a look at my classmates’ sites, which gave me some inspiration.

I had a vision for my blog, and with Emma’s help I was able to understand the basics of setting up the blog. When I got home from school that same day, I played some music and started to click around, taking my time picking the template I wanted to use. I went back and forth between multiple templates until deciding on the lay out “Lovecraft”. I then played around with the colours, and struggled a bit to find and use a photo I had taken earlier in the year of Sombrio. Afterward, I changed the logo to my site and put some personal touches on it. I have yet to figure out how to post my content which is currently sitting in my google documents, but that’s for next week!